Search Results
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT)
Press Conference to Introduce Legislation to Repeal Gun Industry’s Liability Shield
Rep. Schiff on CSPAN Newsmakers Discussing NSA Reform and CIA Controversy
Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA) Testifies On Eliminating Rape Kit Backlog
Congress and the War on Terror
Rep. Schiff Discusses Latest ISIL Barbarity and Situation in Ukraine on MSNBC
Rep. Schiff: Whistleblower claims are ‘part of a pattern’
Rep. Adam Schiff on Russia: A Global Challenge to Liberal Democracies
Rep. Schiff Discusses Latest on Syria with MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell
Live-Congressman Adam Schiff
Rep. Schiff on NBC 4: It Is Vitally Important that the American Public Hear from Mueller
Rep. Schiff Floor Speech in Support of Iran Deal